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VINCER Valves For Waste Gas Treatment

gas flow control

Why Waste Gas Treatment Needs Valve?

Gas Flow Control

Valves are used to regulate the flow of waste gases through treatment systems. Proper flow control ensures that waste gases are effectively treated without overwhelming the system.

Applications Of Electrolyte Transfer

Isolation and Diversion

Valves are employed to isolate specific sections of the waste gas treatment system for maintenance, repair, or troubleshooting purposes. They allow operators to shut off or divert the flow of gases to specific components or bypass lines as needed, minimizing downtime and ensuring system integrity.

Isolation and Diversion
Pressure Regulation

Pressure Regulation

In some waste gas treatment processes, valves are used to regulate the pressure of gases within the system. Pressure control valves help maintain optimal operating conditions, prevent overpressurization, and ensure safe operation of equipment such as scrubbers and reactors.

Emission Control

Valves may be installed at emission points to control the release of treated gases into the atmosphere. They ensure compliance with environmental regulations by regulating the flow rate and pressure of gases discharged from the treatment system.

Emission Control
Safety Systems

Safety Systems

Valves are integral components of safety systems in waste gas treatment facilities. They may be used in emergency shutdown systems to quickly isolate process lines in the event of equipment failure, leaks, or other hazardous conditions.

Valve Types For Electrolyte Transfer

ball valve
Versatile for various applications.
butterfly valve
For flow control and isolation.
gate valve
Suitable for full flow or shut-off.
control valve
Used for precise flow control.
check valve
Prevent backflow and contamination.
safety valve
Open automatically in emergencies.
diaphragm valve
Resistant to corrosion and abrasion.
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Actuation Types For Your Choice

electric actuatorelectric actuator-1

90 degrees quarter-turn electric actuator suitable for controlling ball valve and butterfly valve

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360 degrees electric actuator with higher torque range up to 10,000N.m for gate valve/globe valve. Also for the ball/butterfly valve

pneumatic actuatorpneumatic actuator-1

Use rack & pinion pneumatic actuators to provide you with safe and stable driving methods

manual type-1manual type

Available with handles or handwheels to provide you with a stable and cost-effective way to operate your valve

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VINCER's Tips For Selecting Valves

Corrosion Resistance and Chemical Compatibility

Choose valves made from materials resistant to corrosion and compatible with the chemical composition of the exhaust gases to prevent degradation and contamination.

VINCER's Tips For Selecting Valves

Temperature and Pressure Ratings

Ensure that valves have appropriate temperature and pressure ratings to withstand the conditions of the exhaust gas treatment process without compromising performance or integrity.

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VINCER's Tips For Selecting Valves

Sealing Properties

Select valves with reliable sealing mechanisms to prevent leakage and maintain tight shut-off, even under fluctuating conditions, to optimize system efficiency and minimize emissions.

VINCER's Tips For Selecting Valves

Flow Control and Regulation

Determine the flow control requirements of the exhaust gas treatment system and select valves with suitable flow capacities and control capabilities to regulate gas flow effectively through different treatment units.

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